domingo, abril 2


"I can't get no sleep.

I can't get no sleep.

I need to sleep, I can't get no sleep.

(I need to sleep)
Deep in the busom of the gentle night,
Is when I search for the light, Pick up my pen and start to write.
I struggle and fight dark forces in the clear moonlight,
Without fear.. Insomnia..

I can't get no sleep.

I can't get no sleep.

I used to worry, Thought I was going mad in a hurry,
Gettin' stressed makin' excess mess in darkness.
No electricity, Something's all over me,
Greasy insomnia, Please release me and let me dream of,
Makin' mad love to my girl on the heath,
Tearin' off tights with my teeth.

But there's no release, No peace, I toss and turn without cease,
Like a curse, Open my eyes, Rise like yeast.
At least a couple of weeks since I last slept, Kept takin' sleepers..
But now I keep myself pepped.
Deeper still, The night, I write by candle-light I find insight
From the mental movement.

So when it's black, This insomniac takes an original tack
Keep the beast in my nature under ceaseless attack.. I gets no sleep..

I caaaan't get nooo sleeeeep..

I can't get no sleep.

I can't get no sleep.

I need to sleep, I can't get no sleep..

I need to sleep, I can't get no sleep..."

by Faithless

Por todas aquelas noites na discoteca, bares ou concertos. Por todas as horriveis insomnias de adolescente, sem qualquer ou com todas as razoes. Por as noites presente que ainda assim nao consigo dormir. Pelas noites em branco do Black__Rainbow. Pelo refugio para insonias que a net é. Pelas incontaveis e interminaveis noites na net, sem dormir, desperto de noite, sonolento ate apenas ver o dia como um filme em que nao estou. Por tudo de bom e de mau que tem nao se conseguir dormir. Pelas conversas "depois das 3 da manha" no msn ou ate ainda no mirc. Plea tentencia que sempre tive para dormir menos do que sempre me mandam, pela vontade que ainda hoje tenho de ser mais nocivago do que o mundo me permite... por tudo isso e muito mais ca fica esta poderosa musica de dance. Fica fora do estilo, mais uma vez, eu sei. Mas que importa isso?!

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