Posso dizer que estive horas 'a procura desta letra, e hoje, finalmente, encontrei-a!
A musica onde está implicita a letra é de um ritmo rapido, melodia forte, vozes profundas e uma mensagem lirica de interpretaçao alargavel. Musica muito boa na qual estou bastante viciado... mas ainda nao sei como me apareceu no pc... penso que sei quem ma enviou, mas, nao tendo a certeza, nao vou especular o destinatario do agradecimento!
"I'm alive like a burning fire
Can you feel it
Sensorium... what I feel
Come into the fire
Subsanity - Sun is harming me
Subsanity - Feels like my head's knocked to the wall
I'm alive
Feel the warm drop
Only you can trail one step away
Ain't no words for what I feel
Subsanity - Sun is harming me
Subsanity - Too late... Feels like my head's knocked to the wall
Subsanity - Feels like my head's knocked to the wall
I feel this as time was never before
What I feel with the fires burning full
She says strangling What's your name? What you feel? Cause again:
Subsanity - Sun is harming me
Subsanity - Too late... Feels like my head's knocked to the wall
As before... where were you?
by Fields of the Nephilim
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