Este vai para todos aqueles abutres que andam por ai!
Porque afinal ha a criminalidade, droga, doenças, crises economicas, mortes, fome, abandono e caça de animais, filosofias, poluiçao, ganancia, pureza... tantos males e tanta preocupaçao com poucos resultados.
E esses abutres a espalhar toda essa podridao entre nos e dentro de nos, fazendo-nos acreditar que é legitimo e normal! E acham que estarem muito ocupados com trabalho, a droga, a prostituiçao, a educaçao, a televisao, a musica... sao uma bela desculpa, nao sao? Pois sim, tretas! As pessoas nascem boas, fazem mal, foram eles quem nao as moldou! Se a musica os moldou mal, é porque nada mais tinham! Belas desculpas tem e faz a sociedade que fazem!
Death to them all!
"Would you pay by surprise?
Feasting on the dead's cultures?
And Christ what should I say more?
But honestly, I love that
Yes, everyone has a price
why is everyone so suprised ?
and there is always a claw
at the end of each hand
they strecht down to help you
(they) strecht down to hurt you
look at me and see your child
learn from your little girl
as she suicides once more
and then you have failed to be there
too involved in tuning the world's daily lecture
on the vulture culture
(God has surprise
I really had - had to watch to improvise
But when I'm offered of dead cultures
I can't see anymore
I have to lie)
Everything has its price
is everyone satisfied ?
Let me show you my sex
at the palm of each hand
it goes back and protects you
it ends up fucking you
just tune me once more
and just try me once more
just turn me on
just tune me once more
just try me once more
just drive me once more
just turn me on
just tune me once more
sell me out, sell me out, sell me out, sell me...
Yes, everyone has a price
Yes, everything is a prize
Let me show you my suprise,
let me show you my suprise
does it turn you on to keep on tuning on this vulture culture ?
Vulture Culture - are you satisfied ?
Let me show you my suprise..."
musica de Moonspell, letra do incomparavel Fernando Ribeiro (claro!)
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